Looking Down the Weary Road

November 8, 2022, has come and gone, and where do we stand? The state legislature will have a solid Republican party presence with some exceptions. Those exceptions are like ticks on a dog; those ticks are identified as republicos-rino's. They are not that hard to locate; they can be seen with lobbyists and sharing a meal with democrats. These ticks, like Marc Racicot, Geraldine Custer, etc., endorsed Gary Buchanan for US Congress and State Supreme Justice Ingrid Gustafson! They inhabit large towns like Billings, Butte, Helena, and Great Falls and smaller towns like Livingston and Conrad. They are the chaff that may keep the Republican greatness they have worked so hard for at bay. It has been many years since the Republicans have had the overwhelming majority in both houses, all the top positions in state government and the governorship. Time will tell whether they will meet the challenge.

On the national scale, the picture is far, far darker. The results are disappointing, to say the least. From my perspective, do I think cheating occurred in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, etc., etc.? Obviously YES! The democrats are perfecting their cheating methods, and our national elections are our only method of keeping the monstrous growth of the federal government in check. I can safely say that the US elections are no better than any banana republic in South America! If the Democrats continue their cheating ways unchallenged, then the darkness engulfing this nation will not be stoppable. Most freedom-loving people are pinning their hopes on 2024. Well, if the Democrats have locked in their methods of stealing the election process, a Republican will never win the white house again, so then what?

Sober-minded individuals who understand the founders' intent and ideals should come together in like-minded states like Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and North and South Dakota and discuss the possibility of forming our own independent republic! The concept of a constitutional republic was a Godly-inspired ideal that has not seen anything evolve better in human history, but the ideology of communism is overtaking that dream. If states like CA, AZ, WA, OR, IL, MN, WI, CO, NY, VT, NH, NM, NV, GA, PA, HI, CT, NJ, MD, MA, ME, and DE choose communism let them have it, but, why should we suffer fools as Montanans? The decline of this republic has been going on for many decades, but human nature inclines to view history from the perspective of one's lifetime. The decline began after the civil war and accelerated at the turn of the 20th century, from Roosevelt's progressivism to Wilson's pushing the nation toward socialism, the passing of the 17th Amendment, which changed how US Senators were elected, Roosevelt's 'new deal' was a pronounced lurch towards communism, to Obama, and now Brandon! We have stumbled over the precipice, and we are in free-fall with the bottom, dark and tragic; we are living in history which will be written about for generations to come, and they will ask why? I don't believe the founders envisioned a republic the size of the United States. Maybe a well-functioning republic is not intended for the scope of this nation if this nation continues down this divided course where we as a people are more polarized as a union, even more so than during the civil war; we have, in my estimation, two choices.

Number One, to continue the rapid slide towards communism, which will lead to poverty on a scale unknown to the American public, unemployment, restrictions on private property, a national police force, sham elections, banning of guns , the forced movement of the population to large cities which will make them more controllable, restrictions on speech, federal government control of churches, very high tax rates, forced public transportation, government control of the medical fields and complete control over healthcare, banning of the internal combustion engines, total dependence on wind and solar, elimination of sport hunting and fishing, expansion of federal control over land and water, dissolution of national borders, disarmament, and any of the things that you would not want to lose.

Number Two, we begin to discuss rationally, with discernment and prayer for guidance, the options for a separate but peaceful dissolution of this union as currently constituted. I believe we can establish a non-binding collaboration along regional lines. For example, the communist states of CA, OR, WA, and NV could be one union legally separate from MT, WY, ID, ND, and SD. We could establish trade relations, travel relations, and all the other essential associations we currently have, but we would not depend on Washington, DC, for decision-making guidance. Different regions of the nation could establish separate unions. As equal but separate entities, we could all cooperate on those issues that affect us, such as trade, defense, monetary, travel, etc.

Many readers may think I am crazy, but by not thinking and looking for solutions, we will soon have no choices.

The Publisher


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