Letters to the Editor

I am not a happy American after seeing the disturbing globalist dark money and control over American media had on the mid-term elections across our country. What the mid-term elections proved to us, is the fact that the Neo-Lefist party still pushed for world globalism by a New World Order,and one government system. In other words, the elites will NEVER allow the under class like us vote them out of their wealth.Fox News did the elections a bum rap by saying at the very beginning that a Red Wave was not seen as possible. This helped discourage Republicans from voting at a time when our faith in our voting system is almost at zero. The worthless door stop in the White House now struts like a peacock thinking that the Republican party is over. Biden says election results proved Americans want to work together. BS! He has never worked with the Republican party on any issue. Biden is saying he wants us all to work together toward a socialist nation, green new deal and allow the Neo-Left party to have total control over our daily lives. He concedes that the GOP took back the House with Califorian Republican Kevin McCarthy as the new speaker finally taking the gavel from Nancy Pelosi dirty hands. By taking back the House, the GOP can stop Biden spending and promote investigations into the corrupt Neo Democrat party and FBI. With evidence many impeachments and firings can begin. Even though the new House will curtail the White House spending, it is already too late. We are in a recession and stagnation period. On the eastern coast signs at filling stations tell us that diesel fuel is out at that location. Natural gas is projected to be a shortage and next April, 2023, a monumental recession will begin. So we must accept the fact that both socialism and globalism is on the way into our lives as Amricans. What I hope will happen, is that the Neo-Left Marxist party will self destruct from within by its evil greed and lust for control. What a blessing that would be for the United States of America.

Nancy Kemler



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