Letters to the Editor

NASA scientists launched their one year, 10 billion dollar project, the James Webb space telescope last Christmas in 2021. It's mission is to see the many mysteries within our universe and outside of our solar system, look beyond world's around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe. It was July 15,2020 that NASA scientists announced that indeed, through science and by research has proved the universe we occupy is 13.8 billion years old. The Big Bang happened 380,000 years after the birth of our universe. The Big Bang was when protons and electrons joined to form the first atoms. So far the Webb has been doing a fantastic and remarkable job in its scientific mission for NASA scientists. On November 18, 2022 NASA revealed that the Webb was almost fully-cooled down.Because of this cooling down period from the Webb's long flight through space,images can now be transmitted more easily to earth and the NASA center.UPDATE: On November 27, 2022 the James Webb space telescope just scored another first: an exoplanet molecular and chemical profile of a distant world's skies. If this wasn't a miracle for NASA scientists to see,the Webb showed images of other galaxies that were formed right after the Big Bang. So far, no E.T.s, one still must go to the cinema to see these. This new found evidence beyond our own magnificent and mysterious universe, makes me believe that our planet earth was the winner in a cosmic lottery. As life as we know it, exists.

Nancy Kemler



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