Publishers Two-Bits

Mark Levin, who hosts a weekday radio show in the late afternoon, has been on a witch hunt for the last couple of weeks. I occasionally listen, predominately to the first hour, and I've noticed over the previous year that he has gotten more shrill and sarcastic on his show. His current verbal venom has been directed at Montana's Congressman Matt Rosendale. Besides referring to Congressman Rosendale as a "bloc-head," he has used other derogatory adjectives to describe Congressman Rosendale and Montana.

Matt Rosendale and a handful of Representatives are holding up the vote for who will be the Republican Speaker of the House in the upcoming year. The leading runner for the majority post is Kevin McCarthy from California, who honed his particular skills under the tutelage of John Boehner and Paul Ryan. These latter two individuals were disasters and disgraceful to the Republican Party during their tenure. Levin accuses Congressman Rosendale of impeding the critical business the Republican majority will accomplish in the new year.

Now, Levin has no problem with Republican Senators reelecting Mitch McConnell as their leader in Senate. Why would Levin support McConnell, who he lambasts daily on the radio for being gutless and spineless? Does Levin criticize Republicans for voting for McConnell, all 33 Republicans, which includes Senator Steve Daines? What gives?

Levin's vitriol against Congressman Rosendale is also directed against Montanans when he refers to the state as irrelevant!

I find Levin bitter and toxic on the air, I've learned some good information from him in the past, but the bombastic approach does not sell with me. He claims to be one of the original movers of the 'tea party' movement when Obama was elected. Well, I was an active member of the tea party in Bozeman back in 2009-2010, and Levin's name never came up as a motivator. The name most referred to during that timeframe was Congressman Ron Paul.

Mark Levin seems to follow the path Michael Savage tread during his last years on the radio. Impatient, sarcastic, narcissistic, and screechy.

Levin is also unhappy with Montanans for refusing to sign on to his convention of states movement. The Montana legislature has heard this bill for at least the last five legislative sessions, and it has been voted down each time. The reason is that most Republicans realize that to call a convention is a 'potential' pandora's box. Do you trust the current political leaders to do what is right? I say NO! The system is broken because the people are broken and not because the system is broken.

So, Levin, stick to speaking about the creation of this blessed nation. What drove the founders to believe what they believed? Those things should give us pause about how unique and special those men at that time were. Leave the political back biting to the politicians.

The Publisher


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