Letters to the Editor

When you hear the word, genocide what thoughts and images do you have? We casually speak of genocides,such as Castros in Cuba, Stalin against the Ukraian people, and perhaps the most well known genocide in history, was the genocide against Jewish people, by the German Nazi which had a great part in beginning World War two. What exactly is a genocide? The term was coined during WW II by Raphael Lemkin. The word genocide is formed by the Greek word for race or people. The other half of genocide uses a Latin word, for act of killing. Genocide means the intentional destruction of a race or people. Yesterday the date was January 27, 2023 it marked the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Jewish prisoners at the German Nazi camp in Poland known as,Auschwitz, where between May 1940 and January 27,1945 Jewish were held prisoners by the German troops. Russian troops liberated the Jews held behind a fortress of barbed wire, cruel German dogs that guarded the camp and machine guns held by Nazi guards and barracks. 1.2 million Jewish men,women and children were murdered by the Nazi for being whom they were.Jewish people. When the Covid 19 virus made headlines around the world in March of 2020, we were then unaware that it too would be used as a form of genocide against the human race. We were lied to about the virus,forced to give up freedoms and also mandated to take the Covid vaccine also known as the "Jab" in order to keep our job, stay in the military,to enter a hospital, a clinic or dentist office. We were NOT allowed to go blowling,dancing,attend a church service or go shopping in most stores unless we were vaccinated against the virus and stood six feet apart from each other wearing a worthless face mask to guard against catching the Wuhan Virus. We had unelected officials like Doctor Anthony Fauci, the CDC and Teachers Unions telling us all what and what NOT we could do in our daily lives to prevent the spread of Covid. In the meantime,millions of people were, as we were then told,dropping dead worldwide from the Covid virus. Covid was used to destroy world economies which includes the United States, made humans suffer from mask wearing,experiencing after effects of the "Jab" such as Bells Palsy and other ailments that a recipient of the vaccine never had before. Tucker Carlson and Fox News sent a reporter incognito to interview Jordon Walker an employee of Pfizer. During their conversation, Jordon Walker bragged about how the Covid vaccine was a cash cow for the company, He also added that Pfizer was going to make NEW variants of the Covid 19 virus to further profit from the virus.. Throughout the interview, Jordon Walker who is employed in a Pfizer LAB, smiled and joked, never showing any remorse for the people who had died from the virus or the after effects of getting the vaccine. He offered no apology at all for what the company he works for did to the general public, misleading them to the virtue of getting vaccinated. So yes, one doesn't have to be a idiosyncratic person to figure out that Covid 19 virus was and is being used as tool for world genocide by those who want total control over earth and her inhabitants.....Note: Goggle Tucker Carlson Pfizer video to see for yourself. Jordon Walker made quite a show after he found out that he was being recorded and filmed by Fox News to get the truth.

Nancy Kemler



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