Wielding Your Power to Create Your Life

A Seminar with Tom Fidel

Saturday, June 10, 2023, 10:00 am to 11:30 am

At the Dean Creek Volunteer Fire Department

531 Dean Creek Road

Lavina, MT 59046

Each of us works hard to balance our internal power and happiness with the frenetic pace around us. The demands of our daily life limit our ability to engage the world on a deeper level, which forces us to lean on the internet, social media, or traditional media to keep us engaged.

While these mediums provide seemingly unlimited information, the “facts” are often intentionally manipulated to draw you into a specific narrative. This narrative drains your personal energy and causes you to unintentionally give up your power.

The internet and social media have enabled people to form groups with common values and beliefs on a scale never seen before. While there are positive aspects to being part of a group, or “tribe,” in many cases the negative effects far outweigh them. For example, tribal thinking can set up an “us” versus “them” mentality which demonizes members of other groups and prevents meaningful discussions from taking place.

The goal of this course is to help you break free from the tribal mindset and use your power to create the life you want. It will help you build a strong foundation to escape the negativity, exclusion, and bias encouraged by tribal thinking. As part of his presentation, Tom will explain and demonstrate how to:

• Accept the positive aspects of a tribe while maintaining your individuality

• Understand how tribal behavior can lead to demonizing others

• Develop strategies to build your inner strength

• Regain your personal power and individuality

• Own your power and inspire others around you to do the same

Participants will engage in exercises and class discussions as they apply what is being taught to examples of tribalism. By the end of the workshop participants will have been shown the risks of tribal thinking and will have new tools to empower a shift back to a life focused on humility and humanity.

Because space is limited, pre-registration is required. The cost is $50 per person. To register, or receive more information, please email Nancy Fidel at [email protected]. Checks, cash, or credit cards are accepted in advance or at the door.


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