Enough is Enough!
How short is our memory? In the 1970’s we wouldn’t be able to produce enough food to feed the ever-growing population. The we had a few years of warmer than average temperatures and the junk scientists told us that the world was warming, and we were going through a period of desertification and that earth would become uninhabitable by humans unless we quit buring fossil fuels.
Then they got it right when they said the climate was changing, which it has done since the beginning of time. Climate change is well-documented since the beginning of recorded history which began well before the buring of fossil fuels.
They tell us CO2 (carbon dioxide) emitted in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels was causing the climate change. Presently 90% of greenhouse gases is water vapor, 6% CO2 and 4% other gases. CO2 is an essential element for the growth of everything green; while growing they sequester CO2 and emit oxygen.
A NASA study found that over a 36-year period rising CO2 levels have added an area of green to our deserts equivalent to twice the size of the US.
Forest fires in 2000 in Montana emitted as respirable particulate matter (PM-10) as much as Colstrip pow er units 1-4 would emit in 1,892 years (according to the MT DEQ and USFS statistics. For a 500-megawatt plant that would be about 5,000 years’ worth of burning coal and supplying electricity. For NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) it would be 15 years’ worth. In addition, according to EPA’s AP42 handbook, 75 tons of volatile organics (creosotes, benzenes, etc.) were released by the 2000 fires in Montana.
We presently import nearly 75% of our lumber. What if we managed our forests for maximum sustained production? We would greatly reduce the forest fires, reduce our foreign trade deficit and make thousands of jobs while sequestering CO2 and adding oxygen to our atmosphere.
My conclusion: the climate scare is all about phasing out using fossil fuels, which drives our economy.
Edgar Lewis
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