Letters to the Editor

Well once again the Progressives in the Democrat party are allowing a whole generation of Americans to be irresponsible by not paying their student loan debt that they signed a contract to do. Student loan forgiveness was first suggested by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Two openly are loyal socialist. Elizabeth Warren has worked in the private sector as a profressor. Her specialty being in bankruptcy law and commercial laws. Bernie Sanders has never held a job in the private sector. The forgiveness of student loans has been an ongoing issue for a very long time. Many Americans who took student loans out agreeing to pay these off,are very capable of replaying their loan debt.But why should they? After all, with the possibility of being forgiven for a debt they made , why bother? So they gave it time. And along came the political thug moron Joe Biden in the Whitehouse.Their dream of socialism in the United States. Now this socialist plan of student loan forgiveness can be pushed into effect. Biden tried to use the Hero's Act for student loan forgiveness. The Hero's Act ...., authorizes the Secretary of our treasury to "waive or modify"statutory or regulatory provisions applicable to federal student financially assisted programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.A few days ago, our Supreme Court ruled against the Biden plan using the Hero's Act to forgive student loans. Our Supreme Court said," That ONLY Congress has the rule of our purse strings." No President has the legal authority to forgive student loan debt. But as usual Biden being the socialist moron puppet bullhead that he is, two days ago he made the announcement that HE WILL forgive student loan debt. His legal advisors have told him that he has flexibility on this issue by the Higher Education Act. So like all Progressives do, Biden doesn't like the Supreme Court ruling on student loan debt forgiveness and finds a way around the rules on the books. Biden plan is this. The balance of the student loans will be forgiven after 20 years if you first borrowed after July 1, 2014, or 25 years if you borrowed before then. This means that an estimated 804,000 college students will be forgiven their tuition debt to the sum of $39 billion taxpayer dollars. Many states such as Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Kansas and South Carolina are already suing the Biden administration on this debt incurred by the millennial generation [ those born between the 1980's and late 1990's] who are being allowed to be shiftless and irresponsible by their corrupt government for their votes on the election ballots. But don't worry ! After all we have a treasury that when it needs maga funds just has more money printed.

Our worthless Alzheimer's President cares less he just strikes back door deals with China or the Ukraine for his monetary needs. As for you hard working Blue Collar American,you're just a tool used to finance socialism in this nation.Your out $39 billion tax dollars! I wonder to my fellow Americans if Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Biden would agree to forgive your house payment, or car debt. No never that would be too sensible and our government is not sensible.

Nancy Kemler



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