Musselshell County Court Report

Alaers, Andrew Tanner, Out of Jurisdiction Warrant, Transferred to Another Court.

Barter, Mitchell John 2nd, Aggravated Driving Under the Influence, Fines: $1000, Costs: $85, Jail: 1 yr., Suspended: 365 Days.

Schenderline, Marissa Marie, Possession of Marijuana, Fines: $75, Speeding, Fines: $40.

Duggins, James Howard, Stop School Bus, Fines: $100, Costs: $35.

Bibler, Michael Andrew, No Insurance, Fines: $250, Costs: $35.

Moreau, Anthony James, No Insurance, Fines: $250, Costs: $35.

Parker, Raymond Wade, Speeding, Fines: $50, Costs: $35.

Zupon, Trevor, Game Violation, Fines: $500, Costs: $35, Jail: 6 Months, Suspended: 6 Months.

Zupon, Tyler, Game Violation, Fines: $500, Costs: $35, Jail: 6 Months, Suspended: 6 Months.

Elliott, Samantha Elizabeth, Speeding, Fines: $20.

Orrison, Thomas Nelson Jr., No Registration, Fines: $50, Costs: $35.

Lammers, Kerri Diana, Speeding, Fines: $20.

Bennett, Levi Matthew, No Insurance, Fines: $250, Costs: $35.

Vinson, Delilah Antoinette, No License, Fines: $200, Costs: $35.

Cataraha, Derek, Speeding, Fines: $50, Costs: $35.

Snyder, Robert Scott, Seatbelt, Fines: $20.

Venable, Richard Edward, No Insurance, Fines: $250, Costs: $35.

Alexander, Marciene Ann, No Registration, Fines: $50, Costs: $35.

Rome, Donna M, Speeding, Fines: $60, Costs: $35.

Sherrick, Jessica, Speeding, Fines: $70.

Layton, James Lepage, Speeding, Fines: $20.

Burke, Rodney Paul, No Insurance, Fines: $250, Costs: $35, Seatbelt, Fines: $20.

Casey, Christopher Patrick, No Registration, Fines: $50, Costs: $35

Price, Dyrstyn Alexa Violet, No License, Fines: $250, Costs: $35, Jail: 6 Months, Suspended: 6 Months.

Tirado, Luis Manuel, Speeding, Fines: $20.

Layboult, Anthony Michael, No License, Fines: $200, Costs: $35.

Randall, Thomas Scott, Speeding, Fines: $20.

Bryan, Alesia Pickens, Seatbelt, Fines: $20.

Ferris, Tyler Carlise, No Registration, Fines: $50, Costs: $35.

Phillips, Daniel, Speeding, Fines: $120.

Urton, Kayla Mae, Seatbelt, Fines: $20.

Waddell, Leslie Gordon, Seatbelt, Fines: $20.

Werk, Charles Matthew Jr., Speeding, Fines: $20.

Vescovi, Mia Louise, Seatbelt, Fines: $20.

Lange, Casey Richard, Speeding, Fines: $20.

Eastlick, Terry Lee, Seatbelt, Fines: $20.

Poettmann, Gail Silva, Speeding, Voided by Agency.

Dodd-Stewart, Amber Rose, No License, Tranferred to Another Court, No Insurance, Transferred to Another Court, Unlawful Possession, Transferred to Another Court,

Driving Under Influence, Transferred to Another Court, Tampering with Evidence, Transferred to Another Court, Possession of Drugs, Transferred to Another Court, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Transferred to Another Court.

Pantano, Deadra, No License, Fines: $200, Costs: $35.

Reams, Shontea R, Unlawful Transactions w/Children, Fines: $200, Costs: $85, Jail: 6 Months, Suspended: 6 Months.

Alaers, Andrew Tanner, Theft, Transferred to Another Court, Criminal Mischielf, Transferred to Another Court, No License, Transferred to Another Court, Driving Under the Influence, Transferred to Another Court, Failure to Give Notice of Accident, Transferred to Another Court, Criminal Mischief, Transferred to Another Court.

Lamewoman, Delray, Theft, Fines: $500, Costs: $85, Jail: 6 Months, Suspended 172 Days.

Morton, Stella Elisabeth, Fail to Yield, Fines: $50, Costs: $35.

Turley, Melissa Ann, No License, Fines: $200, Costs: $35.

Maddocks, Elizabeth Monique, Failure to Secure Load, Fines: $50, Costs: $35, No License, Fines: $210, Costs: $25, No Insurance, Fines: $260, Costs: $25.


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