Letters to the Editor

Consumer panic peaks during the Joe Biden economic plan dubbed, Bidenomics that has proven itself to have failed. Bidenomics especially in rural areas like Roundup Montana seems to have lost itself. Rural America has seen the effects of inflation by 86%. Distress signals of the Rural Americans and city residents in their personal economy show in the use of credit cards and also in local pawn shops. In a Fox Business report in June,it showed that Americans are going to pawn shops to pawn off valuable items in order to buy food and to keep their home electricity on. On mainstream media we have heard that Social Security recipients will get a 3.2% increase in their benefits. I have no idea how this will help our Senior citizens buy groceries or pay medical bills since the inflation is at an all time high of 3.7 %. Like our weak, bullheaded and feckless President Joe Biden, his Bidenomics plan is a complete failure. To add to our national financial woes and national debt,we are now funding two separate wars. The one in Ukraine and in Israel. I have no idea how we Americans are going to continue as we have been. Our Federal Reserve's answer is to raise interest rates, the Democrat party's answer is to tax Americans more. My answer is in the 2024 Presidential election. We must as a nation vote Joe Biden out of power, and make our Congress budget our finances which is a major part of their job and vote in Senate officials that are not moderates with no guts, but men and women who will work for our best interest as a nation. We simply cannot continue as we have been, our money reserves are all dried up.

Nancy Kemler



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