Musselshell County Commission Minutes

Commissioner January 12, 2024 minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley. Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda for the day after removing item #2 to review and sign Resolution 2024-7 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MILL LEVY FOR THE STATE EQUALIZATION, COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL EQUALIZATION AND COUNTY ELEMENTARY EQUALIZATION MILL LEVY AUTHORITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2023 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2024, from the days business for now, adding signing the Inter Local Agreement Formation, Authority and Administration of Abatement Region 3 for the Opioid Settlement and to add discussing County property on Ice Cream Hill. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the minutes from the January 5th, 2024 meeting as written. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.

No Public Comment

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to review and sign the Encroachment Permit for communication lines on Dailey and Homestead Roads submitted by Triangle Telephone and Communications Association, Inc. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to review and sign Certificate of Survey 2024-2 situated in Section 26, T-7-N, R-25-E submitted by Ekhart 2004 Trust and Candy M. Phillips. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the Inter Local Agreement Formation, Authority and Administration of Abatement Region 3 for the Opioid Settlement. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.

End of business.

All Commissioner attended a DNRC introduction meeting in Lewistown regarding the Legislation needing to address a final decree on water rights.

Commissioner Goffena attended a Roundup Community Partners (RCP) meeting Thursday January 11, 2024. There were only 4 members there and not a whole lot was discussed.

Commissioner Turley attended the Hospital District meeting Tuesday January 9, 2024 via Zoom. Funding was discussed.

All Commissioners were on the radio Wednesday January 10, 2024.

Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Goffena did claims Wednesday January 10, 2024. Claims = $26,026.75

The County owns property north of town on “ice cream hill” they are going to auction off once some research is done on the process.

County Agent Solf gave her report to the Commissioners. The “Mate” Show is in Billings February 15 – 17, 2024 at the Metra. The 4H update, there were 9 total market beef tagged. They are seen more involvement. They are going to try to do a fund raiser for new pens. They would like to do a Community Garden.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There has been an increase of thefts in the community. Mr. Lesnik has applied to the Montana Board of Crime Control for a $59,000.00 grant to pay for the rest of the Zerker system.

DES Director Russell and Coordinator Rook gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They are still meeting with FEMA regarding the spring flooding. They have been renewing burn permits. There was 1 structure fire that was a complete loss. There were 2 new addresses this week. There will be a 2nd Town Hall meeting at the Senior Commons March 12, 2024 for the FEMA buyout program.

Treasurer Hetrick met with the Commissioners with the monthly balancing sheets and the quarterly report.

Department Head Metting.

All Commissioners, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Treasurer Hetrick, CFO Kirk, Clerk of Court Halverson, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert, County Attorney Larsen, County Agent Solf, Sheriff Lesnik, Ambulance Director Solberg, DES Director Russell and Coordinator Rook were present. Not present Justice of the Peace Marking.

Cheryl Goffena had a phone call from Maintenance Supervisor Jett who is at the Mayo Clinic with her husband.

Clerk and Recorder Tomassi reported her office is getting ready for Elections. Training in Helena is the first week of February. Filing is now open. They are getting ready to send out W2’s.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert reported Sletten was awarded the Goffena Bridge project. The beams for the bridge probably won’t be here until next year but the road is almost done. Hawk Creek gravel pit is having problems with the screener. The back hoe that the Coal Board awarded the Road Department is in. They had the old shop foam insulation sprayed and it is amazing the difference. The 2 new employees are doing well. There are 3 employees that are interested in the drone course. The extended warranty they purchased has already paid for itself.

DES Director Russel reported that they are almost ready to wrap up the FEMA Spring Flooding. They have 8 grants going on right now. They are going to be having another Town Hall meeting for a FEMA Buyout Program in March and there are 5 people interested so far.

Clerk of Court Halverson reported that her office is working on record keeping. The heat in the Courtroom needs to be worked on.

CFO Kirk reported that the Annual Financial Report (AFR’s) for the County and both cemeteries have been filed. Working on some budget amendments.

Treasurer Hetrick reported that there are 6 people delinquent for the 2020 taxes and they are working on the Tax Deed process and there were 62 delinquent Mobile home taxes. Pretty slow this time of year.

Sheriff Lesnik reported he has put in to a $59,000.00 grant for the rest of the Zerker program. They are very happy with the new detention officer. They are hopefully going to be working on the exterior of the building before the 4th of July.

County Agent Solf reported a serve safe food management class will be February 2, 2024. The Amish Horse sale is going to be April 20 this year. There are a few weddings scheduled for this summer at the fairgrounds so far.

Ambulance Director Solberg reported that last calendar year was the busiest ever. They had 900 calls for service. They will be getting a new ambulance in February. They are still waiting on the physical phones for the new systems.

County Attorney Larsen reported that all is going well.

The Commissioners said they are all doing a great job and keep up the good work.

End of meeting.

Charles Gettelman met with the Commissioners to ask when the Middle Musselshell Water District is going to let people know when they are having their meetings? Commissioner Pancratz told him the County has nothing to do with the District.

There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.


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