Happy Fortune: To Walk and To Run

By Edith Sloan

It is my happy fortune to be living in Roundup. This is true for several reasons and one of those is that many people take daily walks here in town. Individuals walk, couples walk, pairs and three-somes walk, along with dog-owners taking their pets. There is a move to create a program where more residents can participate in walking—running.

This week of April 14-20, we are starting an effort that would encourage groups of interested people from Roundup and the surrounding area to create pairs, groups, or even individuals to walk-run together along the same route. They could be just starting a habit of regular walking or running; they could be planning participation in a competition like the MT Women’s Run in Billings; or they could just enjoy the idea of chatting with others while getting healthy doing so.

These are the routes and time slots that have been presented so far: (1) High School Running Track on Mondays at 6:30pm--8:30pm during the remainder of the school year (no dogs allowed on this route). Distance around is ÂĽ mile; (2) Main Street from War Memorial to base of Ice Cream Hill on Thursdays at 6:30pm. Distance is one mile traveling on east side north then one mile traveling on west side south back to War Memorial; (3) Riverwalk on Saturdays at 8:30am. Parking at the kiosk behind the old railroad depot is available and would be our starting place. At least one route on the kiosk shows it is one mile in length.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, April 18, at 6:30pm at the War Memorial where street parking is available. All ages are welcome. All can give input. All get to choose the distance they want to walk or run. We can support each walker--runner in their efforts to get, and stay, healthy!


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