Letters to the Editor

Senator Jon Tester a 17 year veteran of our U.S. Senate who holds a seat in our state of Montana. He is running for another six year term in the Senate. The Republican party is two seats short of taking control over the Senate and the Democrat Progressives want to stop this political change by funding Jon Tester using dark money. They want to make it impossible for Navy Seal Republican Tim Sheehey to win in the November election that would unseat Jon Tester. Years ago Jon Tester was actually a decent guy who was a patriot and upheld the olde crow moral compass of the Democrat party. But this was before the sound of gold coins rolling into his bank accounts by dark money donors. These use Jon Tester as a useful idiot for their leftist agenda that includes making us a one party government system. Over the years Jon Tester and dark money has become synonymous in meaning. What exactly is dark money? Dark monies are funds raised for the purpose of influencing elections by nonprofit organizations that are not required to disclose their identity. Senator Jon Tester has received millions upon millions from other state donors such as California and New York states to pursue their progressive goals in our state. They want us to become a blue state instead of staying red and freedom loving. If we Americans do not vote to take back our Senate from the progressives the current Democrat Majority speaker Chuck Schumer will pack our Supreme court with anti American liberals, make both Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico states who will vote Democrat, keep our borders open to the point that our nation will be totally un-united and have many foreign nations living within our borders. We will lose our identity as Americans and also our unique culture will be demolished. Flat top Jon Tester in last weeks vote whether or not to impeach Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas who has allowed an estimated 12 million illegals into our country completely ignoring our federal immigration laws and our Constitution voted against the Mayorkas impeachment. So he voted against the security of a closed border,deportation of illegals and the sovereignty of Americans in our own nation. Not to mention saving us from the financial ruin that these foreign invaders are costing us in their maintenance. No Jon Tester is no longer a dirt farmer from Big Sandy Montana he himself has turned into an alien to us and our country. Time to vote this traitor out of our Senate and lives.

Nancy Kemler



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