Letters to the Editor

It is no surprise that the Democrat Party was so easily hijacked by the Left Progressives. I am after all, both Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delaware Roosevelt set the stage for this with their push for socialism in America. Today the former Democrat Party has a agenda of total destruction of our country. They want to erase our Constitution,our electorate vote, continue to foolishly defund police.Allow open borders that let in all people unvetted into our nation that have no ties to it and disrespect our laws and moral compass values.Barack Obama said it loud and clear. He wanted to change our country rebuilding it using Marxist values.If Hillary Clinton would have won the Presidential election in 2016 we would not be speaking or reading so freely today. I beleieve that God intervened by helping former President Donald J. Trump win in 2016. I see a divine providence here to save the United States of America.The 2024 elections are fast approaching. I only hope that Donald J. Trump will win again as he did in 2016. If he doesn't we are lost as a nation drifting out on a violent sea of disaster with a President named Joe Biden who doesn't even realize his own infirmity.

Nancy Kemler



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