Local Youth Leader is Selected for Trip to Chicago

Youth CARES leader, Ayden Mozqueda, went to a youth leadership camp in Helena this summer called HOBY. The camp is all about youth leadership. The founder of the camp, Matt Glenn, a HOBY senior facilitator, tells that the program was started by Hugo Brian, a western actor, who traveled to Africa to spend time with Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Hugo used the experience to start the Hugo Brian Youth Leadership Camp that has expanded to all fifty states, and ten countries. It focuses on High School Sophomores and rising Juniors. Its purpose is focused to societal leadership, specifically leadership through service. Everyone who goes to HOBY has at least 100 hours of volunteer work to qualify.

Mrs. Alicia Godfrey drew attention to Ayden going to the camp, and his teachers voted for him to go. Out of his camp group at Helena, he was selected to go to Chicago for the HOBY World Leadership Group. Matt states that every year the HOBY leadership is allowed to select outstanding students that really stand out, Ayden was nominated to receive assistance from Montana Hoby to go witness the World Leadership Congress. "All of the staff at HOBY was really impressed by him. He was always really helpful and kindhearted."

Ayden will be going to Chicago and staying at a college dorm and taking classes. He is anxious to see where the experience takes him, but knows that it will help give him direction. Congratulations Ayden.


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