Letters to the Editor

What does freedom mean to you as an individual? To me it means it represents an absence of restrictions to exercise one's rights or powers and also I think of our country the United States of America that was founded on freedom. Question: have we Americans lost our respect for freedom? Seems that many of us no longer fight for it in our daily lives. Former Congresswoman of Hawaii recently visited our state of Montana to help former Navy Seal Tim Sheehy campaign. She mentioned how our freedoms were eroding in our culture.Tulsi Gabbard a retired Army Reserve officer and who also ran for President of the United States has written a book.For the love of country leave the Democrat Party. Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrat Party a few years ago as she saw their agenda. To destroy the nation she fought for and loves. This is what we must do in the November presidential election, FIRE JOE BIDEN and hire Donald J.Trump as our commander in chief. Democracy? No we are not a Democracy read article four in section four of our Constitution, we are a Represented Republic. This means we vote for a voice we want to hear in our defense as an American. The feeble weakness inside the White House has turned our lives miserable in many ways. The whole world suffers in uncertainty with Joe Biden in the oval office. We are footsteps away from another war because of the Biden policies that destroy any hope of peace with enemies like Iran, Russia and China. You want to take back our country? In November this maybe your last chance to save freedom and your country. Fire Joe Biden in November of 2024 and if a Democrat consider leaving that party, Tulsi Gabbard did follow her lead as a true patriot. And one more thing, vote LGBQ, CRT and DEI out of our lives. We need GOD back into our lives as American citizens. Our Founding Fathers would approve of this.

Larry Stanfel



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