Letters to the Editor

I grew up considering our national security bureaus and agencies to be beyond reproach; e.g. the legendary FBI, with J. Edgar Hoover in the vanguard of busting organized criminals and Commies pledged to overthrow our government, (Don’t snort at the latter before reading Herbert Philbrick’s book, I Led Three Lives. You can discover EXACTLY when the focus of American Commies became revolution.), the CIA, and the Secret Service.

The first fissure in my faith came when Hilary Clinton’s fingerprint was found on an FBI file her president husband had been perusing, which made immediately apparent the degradation, the politicization, of that bureau. I haven’t kept a journal of other warning or alarm signs, but consider

1. The 9-1-1 catastrophe, when the supposedly greatest intelligence community on the planet was clueless as to the murderous plot

2. The Benghazi disaster, when the entire Executive branch was spinning lies about an anti-Muslim film and sitting with its collective finger up its organizational NOSE, at least, with fighter planes minutes away and our ambassador to Libya murdered

3. The proven multi-organization fantasy with sham documentation provided to accuse Donald Trump of complicity in a non-existent plot to steal the 2016 election.

Therefore, I’m not surprised at the several louche aspects of the Pennsylvania shooting: a conspicuously armed guy, observed by many, shows up on a roof that has a terrific view of the individual under “protection;” a local policeman, not one of the vaunted Secret Service, encounters the murderer but fails even to raise an alarm; the killer gets off a SERIES of shots before the appointed guardians are onto him.

Was all this intentional lassitude or just another instance of the Obiden BADministrations’ chronic installation of incompetent bumblers in important positions?

It seems that only a wispy, infinitesimal chance prevented the murder of a man capable of leading this country out of the morass swallowing it. I pray he’s elected again and THIS TIIME has enough sense to purge every agency, department, and what have you of the saboteurs stupidly, dangerously placed by a predecessor.

Nancy Kemler



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