Was Trump's Assassination Attempt an Organized Deep State Operation?

Trump’s attempted assassination story fills the air waves, what we do know about it is that it should not have happened. The parameter of the rally was not locked down, their were no drones scanning possible sniper sites or activity from the air, and the sniper had a clear shot from 130 yards away to fire eight rounds. The building, assessed as “priority vulnerability,” the most likely place for a sniper, should have had Secret Service personnel on the roof many hours before and during the event, and no ladder should have been accessible. Also, most of the Secret Service agents who were charged with taking a bullet for him were shorter than he, thus physically unable to protect Trump from a head shot which would have been the target.

All know about multiple crowd witnesses that tried to get attention to a man with a gun on the roof for several minutes before finally getting a police officer to investigate who went up the ladder and saw the would be assassin aiming at him before scaling back down and himself looking for higher authority. Strangely with all the people attending the rally not one saw a young man caring a rifle. Video is abundant on all these facts. Some one was helping him.

Emerging are two things of great concern about the Secret Service’s securing the parameter and working the crowd. Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle “has close ties to the Cheney’s, the Biden’s and is responsible for the J6 deleted texts scandal” (X22 Report, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3403b July 15, 2024, 18:12). Republicans believe that Cheatle’s deleting the evidence of the J6 Committee exposing their cover-up of the fedsurrection, and evidence that could have helped the J6 accused, proved the Committee’s anti-Trump bias. This is strong evidence of her bias against Trump and therefore she should not be in a position to influence anything about his security. Moreover, she previously worked on Biden's security detail while he was vice president and was appointed head of the Secret Service in 2022 by him. Biden is the one who said, “It is time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Her loyalty to the mission of preserving Trump has to be questioned.

The second, it is reported that all the Secret Service staff “were replaced with temps” before this rally, a team much inferior to the regular team—“brought in for a planned op from the very beginning” (Ibid., 20:20). This could only have been done with Chestle’s knowledge. Still, whether true or not, no one saw or reported, a 20 year old young man with a rifle walking to the building used by law enforcement working security on the ground in front of it. He climbed a ladder, crawled for a short distance and fired at Trump from the very roof top above them.

But this staff change would explain one major mystery. The Secret Service had two sniper teams on another building (our guys) obviously to deal with a potential sniper assault on the former president. One of which spotted the would be assassin with a gun crawling on the roof of the other building. The shooter was in a prone position presumably with Trump in his sights. They watched him for two minutes in this position and did not fire on him until he opened on Trump. Then they took him out. The initial explanation for this is that they were not sure if he was one of them. We have since learned that no approval was needed to shoot him, he was not dressed like them (white pants) and had a gun aimed toward Trump. That’s enough! They should have fired before he fired on the president. Waiting allowed Trump to be shot. Was this intentional? Were they accomplices?

A theory is surfacing; the real possibility of a second shooter being some 485 yards away from Trump, probably in the tower pictured in photographs. One of the bullets is assessed by the Secret Service as having come from much further away than the others, say 485 yards? Thomas Matthew Crook was a loner, reportedly acting alone and a lousy shot (“Trump Would be Assassin Rejected From High School Shooting Club: ‘Comically Bad Shot.’” Breitbart). He could be counted on to be a distraction firing on the crowd bringing chaos, mayhem and attention to himself while the expert snipper far away made certain Trump was exterminated. The young man would shoulder all the blame—just like Lee Harvey Oswald with John F. Kennedy. Undoubtedly unbeknownst to him his firing would be a signal to the real assassin to fire simultaneously masking the different bullet volumes from the separate assassin. The Secret Service sniper team waited till the young man began firing on Trump and the crowd then they opened up on him (Ep. 3403b, July 15, 2024, 20:20). Who would ever know? Who would ever question? The whole world saw only one sniper who is dead. Trump would be dead also.

One thing interrupted the alleged perfect plan. The policeman who climbed the ladder and saw the young man, panicked Crook who consequently moved too quickly to fire on Trump. The Secret Service sniper team(s) on the roof were surprised and had to activate and remove Crook earlier than they had expected. Their pause, perhaps intentional, left the president unprotected.

How do we know they were trying to get rid of Trump? Because they have been trying to do so since 2016: The Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the Steel Dossier, The Pea tape trap, The Alpha Bank Hoax, Impeachment #1, Impeachment #2 his last week in office, The Fedsurrection, FBI raid on his home in Mar-A-Lago, Biden’s four fake indictments costing him millions—all by Democrat Attorney Generals, judges and juries. Its never ended. They only chose assassination because they could not get him any other way. Their incentive—if he is reelected they go to jail.

Far fetched! Possibly!! But not by those who have studied the Deep State. And not by Trump who they have tried to eliminate since he walked down the elevator announcing his presidential run in 2015, even by an assassination attempt shedding his blood. Expect confirmation going forward, even FBI emails that show conversations suggesting assassination.

Dr. Harold W. Pease is an expert on the United States Consitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years.


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