Letters to the Editor

Our missing in action so-called President, Joe Biden is in the 5th.stage of the 7 stages of Alzheimer's. A progressive disease that destroys memory and mental functions. The debate between former President Donald Trump and Biden is scheduled for this Thursday. The Democrat Socialist upper crust has taken Joe Biden captive hiding him at Camp David in Maryland.Doctors are giving President Biden a stimulus so he can be somewhat coherent during the Presidential debate. The Democratic Socialists party are pushing issues of saving our Democracy and abortion into the front lines of their discussions. These issues may have worked in 2020 or 2022 but not now.Americans are furious over inflation and the open borders And the cost of funding two foreign wars.The Biden administration is printing money non-stop to the amount of one trillion dollars every 100 days.We are so far in debt now as a country we may never find a way out! When Trump was President an ice cream cone cost $5.00. Now in Joe Biden's 3.2% inflation that same ice cream cone cost $6.15. The Democrats are doing everything they can to win in November. Even trying to find ways to steal another Presidential election. As Americans and patriots we must do everything we can not to allow this to happen.

Nancy Kemler



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