No one is more Democrat than Robert F. Kennedy Jr.! Why Endorse Trump?

No one is more Democrat than Robert F. Kennedy Jr. No Democrat is less likely to endorse a Republican for president than he—especially the man he hoped himself to defeat in 2024. But it is also true that no one is likely more offended by, and knowledgeable of, the Deep State than he. He believes, and has voiced many times, that the CIA killed his uncle and father. No organization is more Deep State than the CIA.

In this he finds common ground with Donald Trump. No presidential candidate or president has been more opposed by the Deep State than he. Indeed, if one numbered all the accusations and opposition endured by all the presidents in American history put together it would not exceed what has been leveled against Trump since he announced his candidacy for president June 16, 2015—even a recent assassination attempt. This month the Deep State hopes to imprison him in New York on charges the vast majority of Americans believe to be frivolous and politically based. In the least hoping to define him as a convicted felon in the presidential election three months away or at worst, killing him in prison as allegedly happened to Jeffrey Epstein.

The Deep State did not want Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as president and fought him all the way as well because he too would have opposed it as did his uncle John F. Kennedy. The Biden/Harris Administration refused five requests for Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. and his family. Only after the July 13, unsuccessful Trump attempted assassination and the personal request by Trump that RFK Jr. receive U.S. Secret Service protection, did the Administration finally concede such. Every Democrat should be incensed by this and how Biden/Harris used their office to eliminate their competition. They “censored him, waged lawfare against him, and put him and his family at risk by denying them Secret Service protection” (X22 Report hereafter not cited, Ep. 3434b, August 26, 2024, 56:07).

If the real enemy of liberty to every man, woman, and child in this country, and the world is the Deep State – and it is – then it makes sense that those who recognize it early should unite to remove its hold on America, regardless of which major political party they preference. Republicans were first because it effected a successful Coup d'état on them and Trump in 2020. Nothing is more true, and should be more eye-opening now, more so for Democrats, because it also effected a successful coup on Biden and Democrats in his replacement by them.

Robert F, Kennedy, Jr. says “that they [present Deep State Democrat leadership—Obama-Biden-Harris and et al] committed a coup against Biden and have been waging lawfare against him and Donald Trump: ‘in the name of saving democracy’…the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it [democracy]. Lacking confidence in its candidate that its candidate could win in a fair election at the voting booth the DNC waged continual illegal lawfare against both Trump and myself. Each time that our volunteers turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the ballot the DNC dragged us into court, state after state, attempting to raze their work, and to subvert the will of the voters who had signed those petitions. It deployed DNC aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and to throw President Trump in jail” (Ep. 3432, August 23, 2024, 41:27).

And now, Kennedy added, “It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor, also without an election, and installed a candidate who was so unpopular with the voter that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.”

Then he reference his family’s strong defense of democracy. “My uncle and my father both relished debate. They prided themselves on their capacity to go toe to toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas. They'd be astonished to learn of the democratic party presidential nominee who like Vice President Harris has not appeared in a single interview or unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days. This is profoundly undemocratic. How are people to choose when they don't know whom they are choosing. And how can this look to the rest of the world? My father, my uncle, we're always conscious of American image abroad because of our nation’s role as a template of democracy. A role model for democratic process and leader of the free world.”

He returned to Kamala Harris, the beneficiary of the Deep State Coup against Biden, “Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon nothing.” He was referencing her fake audiences through giant black plastic sheets hiding empty crowd seats, AI generated people greeting her while she exited a jet whose slick siding did not mirror the supposed crowd, fake headlines, fake endorsements, fake polls showing her ahead of Trump and etc. Everything was/is fake. She was entirely installed with no input from Democrat voters.

Finally, RFK Jr. says the Democrat Party “has become the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Money. And he decided to endorse Trump.” As we have published before, in over 100 years of influence the Deep State first controlled the Republican Party through to Woodrow Wilson then both major political parties through to Trump and now the Democrat Party. They also control the RINO faction of the Republican Party but that group is on a death spiral. He said the “Democrat Party is not with you [the people] anymore” (Ep. 3432, August 23, 2024, 1:45). Thus this Democrat has chosen to put his country before his party!

He is suspending his campaign and removing his name from the ballot in states supporting Trump and will continue his campaign and name on the ballot as an Independent in battleground states, giving Democrats a choice other than Harris. This benefits Trump. But MAGA is the only movement fighting the Deep State which killed his father, uncle and almost Trump.

Dr. Harold W. Pease is an expert on the United States Consitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years.


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