Seen Around Town

Possible School Incident in Roundup

Yesterday morning, the 11th day of September 2024 at about 0945 hours, Roundup High School was placed in a temporary "Lock Down" status to investigate a potential threat the Administrative Staff had been notified of. A "Lock Down" is the standard operating procedure at all schools in Musselshell County, to ensure the safety of youth and staff, while any potential threat is investigated. In this case, the "Lock Down" lasted for less than half an hour. During this time School Administrators, the School Resource Officer/Deputy, and Musselshell County Sheriff's Office staff investigated the potential threat and determined that it was not credible. In my opinion the incident was handled quickly, professionally, and almost flawlessly, which all students, parents, and staff should be very pleased about.

However, two issues did develop during this brief incident. Parents were notified of the Lock Down by their children and parents came to the Roundup High School demanding they be allowed to pick up their child. During a Lock Down, this is not going to happen! Students are secured in their classrooms and are not allowed to leave that classroom until the scene is deemed to be safe. During a lockdown you will not be allowed in the school and you will not be allowed to remove your child until the lock down status has been lifted.

The other issue was a parent indicated to one of the Deputies on scene that if shots had been reported that parent had intentions of responding to the school with a firearm. DO NOT DO THIS!!! An incident involving the reports of shots fired at one of our schools is going to be met with armed law enforcement officers from the sheriff's office, as well as surrounding jurisdictions. If a parent shows up to the school with a firearm during this event, the best thing that will happen is they will be arrested, the worst thing that could happen is they will be shot! Anyone possessing a firearm that is not attached to a Law Enforcement Agency would be considered a threat. This scenario has unlimited bad endings. Two parents respond with firearms and engage each other, because neither know what the other's intentions are, of course them shooting at each other, will receive an instant response from law enforcement, likely with both parents getting shot. In this dynamic environment there will be no time to identify who are friendly interlopers and who aren't. Please do not ever respond to the school with a firearm... EVER! Sheriff Lesnik

Then there is this:

When the air is thick and smoke is your filter, you can look directly at the sun.

Another bench appeared near Main Street. This one along the back edge of the Big Sky Motel office.


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