Letters to the Editor

Is this an amendment for “reproductive rights”? We don’t need one. You want to reproduce a baby? Do it. You don’t want to reproduce a baby? Don’t do it. You have a choice. That’s not what CI-128 is about.

Parents. How would you feel about a constitutional amendment that gives your minor children the right to get body piercings or body art or even body work without your permission or even your knowledge? What a violation of parental rights. What if you found a clause in that amendment that made it almost impossible to repeal that amendment? That’s what CI-128 is doing by allowing anyone, even minor children without their parents’ knowledge, to cut up and dispose of reproduced humans even during birth. Where are the civil rights activists, the anti-death penalty activists, the ACLU? Why aren’t they screaming out against this huge destruction of inalienable human rights? Oh, wait. ACLU is one of the many rich, national organizations peddling this awful stuff. Maybe that’s why they give it that deceiving title. Why aren’t investigative journalists exposing the truth here? Are they afraid of these powerful groups? Wake up, Montanans, before this start of the erosion of human rights starts in our state.

Learn the truth and vote NO on CI-128.

Adele L. Bissonette



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