Musselshell County Commission Minutes

Commissioners August 19, 2024, Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena were present. Minutes are being taken by Clerk & Recorder Tomassi.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the agenda for the day. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the minutes from the August 9, 2024, meeting as written. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was no public comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commissioners that was not listed on the agenda.

Commissioner Pancratz attended a meeting by zoom with Snowy Mountain Economic Development on August 15, 2024. Community & Economic development per capita was discussed.

Commissioner Goffena attended a water shed meeting on August 13, 2024. They will be shutting down the basin and there needs to be maintenance completed on the canals. The drought throughout the years was discussed.

Commissioner Turley attended the Hospital Board District meeting this past week. The board approved paying up all their withdraws for health insurance and retirement.

Commissioners Turley, Goffena, and Pancratz all attended a meeting on August 14, 2024 with Theresa Doumitt and Bill Tieszen regarding the Wier building.

Clerk & Recorder Tomassi mention that Debbie Willumson has requested that she would like the July 12, 2024 minutes amended to read that she asked about the by-laws for the Middle Musselshell County Water District and not the Central Montana Regional Water Authority. Commissioners agreed to make note regarding the change in today’s minutes.

Chris from Kirk Electric stopped in and gave the Commissioners a bid for labor & material to wire RV spots at the Fair Grounds.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to discuss the service description from Civic Plus regarding recordings and posting Commissioner meetings to the website. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion to discuss. Motion carried. Discussion followed and Morrison & Maierle Systems are currently looking into options.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to appoint Alex Schultz to the refuse board. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion to appoint Alex Schultz to the refuse board. Motion carried.

Sheriff Lesnik attended meeting and gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There have been complaints regarding the new lights at the Melstone High School being too bright. Sheriff Lesnik has spoken to school board members regarding the new lights issue. The 2024-2025 school year is starting next week and the new School Resource Officer will be at the schools. Sheriff Lesnik has concerns regarding placement of the dispatchers. There will be a meeting at 1:30 today discussing the issue.

DES Director Russell gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They have been working on getting the drone trailer ready. There are no FEMA updates to report. There were 2 fire calls for service in the county this past week. Rural addressing has issued 2 new address this past week.

County Attorney Larsen met with the Commissioners.

CFO Kirk met with the Commissioners and discussed the budget.

Commissioners met with Sheriff Lesnik, DES Director Russell and Ambulance Director Solberg regarding which building would be best suited for placement of the dispatchers.

Monty Sealey from Central Montana Regional Water Authority met with Commissioners.

Bill Rusche from ProSource Machinery met with Commissioner and introduced himself and discussed what ProSource Machinery has to offer.

Theresa Doumitt and Bill Tieszen met with Commissioners and discussed the Wier building.

There being no further business Commissioner Goffena made the motion to adjourn at 4:21 p.m. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried


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