Rep. Rosendale Address's National Security Threat at the Southern Border

Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) took to the House floor to address the crisis at our southern border. He detailed how the open border is causing Americans to lose their lives due to fentanyl poisoning, how human trafficking is increasing at a disturbing rate, and how Congress can fix it through the appropriations process.

“Mr. Speaker, this wide-open border is a national security threat. It's much more than a monetary problem that has been placed upon the taxpayers across the United States. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $150 billion to $500 billion a year is being taken out of the revenue that we should be spending on our veterans, that we should be spending on our own citizens, and it's being spent on illegal immigrants as they come into our country.

They want to have more opportunities for their family, for their children, for their grandchildren. We hear about the DREAMers. We hear about the DREAMers all the time. Well, guess what? The American children, the citizens, have dreams, too. My children have dreams of what they would like to accomplish in this country. My grandchildren have dreams of what they would like to accomplish, and what they see that this country could be. We are stripping away all of those dreams when we continue to leave this border wide open.”


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