CI-128's message: my body has rights, their life does not.

By Roger Koopman

The Tester-Sheehy face-off isn’t the only Montana contest in the national spotlight, attracting millions of out-of-state dollars. This year’s ballot features CI-128, the most radical, far-reaching “abortion rights” proposal anywhere in the nation. This precedent-setting monstrosity has become the top priority of the abortion industry and the abortion-infatuated Democrat Party. When last I checked, Big Money cash donations to the CI-128 campaign outpaced opponent giving nearly 700 to 1, and it’s estimated proponents will have spent up to $50 per voter by Election Day to make Montana the Killing Fields of the West.

CI-128 is Montana’s race to the bottom, seeking to make us the state that most easily eliminates an entire class of “undesirables” who, through no fault of their own became babies their mothers didn’t want. Once healthily thriving in the womb, they then became poster children for “Reproductive Freedom,” printed on death certificates with invisible ink. We never knew them. We never will. Their crime was existing – the direct products of the reproductive freedom their mothers now claim they don’t have.

CI-128 was intentionally drafted to become a constitutional Trojan Horse, not only making abortion at all stages of development protected by law, but even protecting child predators who arrange for their victims’ abortions without parental knowledge! The vague and slippery language of the amendment also opens the door to sex change hormones and surgeries on minors without parental consent. When AG Knudsen ordered that the ballot language be changed to give voters a full and honest explanation of the amendment’s actual effects on current law, our far-left supreme court overruled him and reinstated the misleading text of the proponents.

The mantra of the Democrats in defense of killing the unborn is always the same: We demand our right to control our own bodies and make our own medical decisions. Funny thing, though. I don’t recall one Democrat showing the slightest concern about controlling our bodies and making our own medical decisions when Americans were being forced to take the COVID vaccine or lose their jobs.

Let’s examine the “my body, my rights” claim more closely. Question: In an abortion, how many bodies are involved? Answer: Two – the mother’s and the child’s. As any human biologist will tell you, the body of the unborn child is distinctly different from that of the mother, with entirely separate DNA. If the mother’s body carries sovereign rights of control, then so does the baby’s. The “body argument” is a tie score, and thus not an argument at all.

Yet the overriding consideration in every abortion is the question of life. Two distinctly different lives are involved in an abortion, each living in their own environment. Yet in every abortion, only ONE life is truly at stake – that of the child. While there are two bodies, there is only one life that is ended when an abortion happens. Obviously, the life claim takes precedence over anything else. For indeed, the protection of innocent human life is the very measure of humanity and the definition of a just and civil society. It forms the foundation of true freedom. That’s true regardless of how those little ones were conceived – a factor over which they had no control.

Why are we told then, that the life of the child should not be considered, as if it doesn’t exist? It is because it is smaller? Because it isn’t easily seen? Because it has no voice? Because it has no vote? Are these life disqualifiers? If she could speak, would she say, “Go ahead and kill me?” If he could vote, would he vote for CI-128? These children can’t speak and can’t vote, so maybe we should speak and vote for them.

It’s a matter of life. It’s also a matter of seeing with our hearts -- seeing all those precious little faces that are being taken from us. Meanwhile not allowing the euphemisms and gaslighting of the Democrats to convince us of another reality that isn’t real. Those kids were real, and they are gone from us now. All 65 million of them. When will it stop?

Let it begin by saying “no” to CI-128.

A former Bozeman small businessman, Roger Koopman is president of Montana Conservative Alliance. He served four years in the Montana House of Representatives and eight years as a Montana Public Service commissioner.


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