Letters to the Editor

The Democrat party cannot, seen to enter any election with integrity and respect for an honest election voted by the people for the people's choice. We just witnessed a coup by the progressive radical Democrats with throwing VP Kamala Harris as their candidate. Once again they are breaking political protocal. No one can be chosen as a Presidential candidate without being nominated at the national conventions. In this situation the DNC convention to be held starting August 19 and running until August 22. As I write this the Leftwing media has us believing that she can pick a VP How? When she herself hasn't been nominated? Kamala Harris is a pathological liar and the Leftwing media is spending millions to cover up her lies on border security,gun control, tax hijks and banning many things that make up American culture. Like red meat. This incompetent woman wants to give every illegal alien FREE health care and she wants to destroy private health insurance Kamala Harris is a nightmare. If elected say goodbye to main street America.She will erase all of the Trump era tax breaks for small business owners, like here in Roundup.Mom and Pop businesses will go into bankruptcy due to the Biden/Harris inflation and her tax hikes. One more thing.The Democrats poke fun at Republican VP J,D. Vance a man from poverty,and a dysfunctional family who got his start by becoming a US Marine. Kamala Harris got her tart sleeping with a married man with three children who used his powers as Mayor of San Francisco to help her climb up the ladder of success. Kamala Harris is an immoral scumbag. She has no conscience or moral values, just a lust for power. Help to send this vulgar,mean stupid woman packing by not voting for Kamala Harris in the November election.

Nancy Kemler



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