Letters to the Editor

With a very divided country, and threats of assassination, poverty and lawlessness within our borders, there has never been a more important election. I would beg people to set aside feelings and truly consider the most important things in your life. I think we can all agree that our family and loved ones are the most valuable thing to us all, no matter what race, religion, or political leaning. We want to have our needs met for ourselves and those we love. This includes the basics, housing, food, health, and security.

In light of that, leadership is vital. We only need to look south to Haiti or Venezuela to see what can happen with corrupt leadership. It doesn’t matter if you saved up a nest egg for retirement, or just had a great job and pockets full of money, they couldn’t buy a banana or a potato to feed their children. You could find pictures with their money laying in the street because it did nothing for them. Instead, they waited in a line all day for food.

Americans, we are following the plot line of the corrupt by not doing our political homework. When we allow ourselves to be enraged over abortion, student loans, transgenders, or “orange man bad”, we are not doing our own thinking about long term sovereignty for ourselves and those we love, whomever they may be. The politicians lay out these “hot topics” to keep us from questioning what the federal government should really be doing for us.

Our federal government has nearly lost all accountability to the people they represent-all of us. This includes both political parties. Instead of them being up in our business about personal issues, our government should be working on the sovereignty of our nation, peace keeping with nations, safety in strength-military, trade negotiations, and infrastructure. All other issues should be handled locally within the states where communities can really have a say, correct local corruption, and fire the representatives not doing their job.

I suggest to all of you to really consider which candidates in this election will be strong in negotiations, strong in peacekeeping, strong in trade and infrastructure, and who might be very weak. I suggest that you consider that both candidates have been in power, and you can easily see which one has led, and which one has shown weakness. One wants you inflamed about personal hot button issues, and one wants you inflamed about what is happening to our nation. One wants to put Americans before Illegal immigrants, one is willing to give YOUR benefits to illegals before YOU.

The choice is easy to see if you look. Be honest with yourself, you’re the only one who sees your vote. Do the right thing. Look to the future, and do your part to make sure there is something of substance left for others.

Lura Pitman



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