Won't you be my neighbor?

By: Angie Mozqueda

Prevention Specialist

In the idyllic settings of rural communities, where life is often slower and the landscapes are serene, a subtle but significant shift is taking place. The rise of technology and its pervasive influence is gradually altering the dynamics of neighborly relationships, leading to a loss of the close-knit connections that have long been a hallmark of rural living.

Traditionally, rural communities have been characterized by strong bonds among neighbors, with shared values, mutual support, and regular face-to-face interactions forming the foundation of these relationships. However, the advent of technology, including the widespread availability of high-speed internet and the prevalence of smartphones, has begun to reshape the way people in rural areas engage with one another.

Two of the most noticeable impacts of technology on neighborly connections in rural communities are online complaining, bullying, gossip, and the decrease in in-person interactions. As individuals turn to online communication and entertainment, the casual conversations that once took place over fences or backyard barbeques are becoming less frequent. Moreover, the allure of social media and digital entertainment often draws residents indoors, reducing the opportunities for impromptu gatherings and spontaneous conversations that were once commonplace.

The loss of connecting with neighbors in rural communities due to technology is not merely a sentimental concern; it has practical implications as well. Strong neighborly connections have historically played a crucial role in the fabric of rural life, offering a sense of security, camaraderie, and shared responsibility. From lending a helping hand to looking out for one another's properties, these relationships have contributed to the resilience and well-being of rural communities.

How do you reconnect in a world where we are ALWAYS connected?

Let's work together to build a community where we choose not to belittle or judge our neighbors online, in person or behind their back, but rather, uplift and support each other. It's important to create a space where everyone feels valued and encouraged. By showing kindness and understanding, we can make a positive impact and foster a more inclusive and supportive environment online. Do we want a small town feel again? Where everyone knows and cares about eachother? Where we support one another and build a culture of trust and support? You decide.


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