Letters to the Editor

Some people tell me not to vote for Domald Trump because he has a temper. Fooey! I have a temper, and I’m a reasonably intelligent, patriotic, and capable person. I’d rather a president have one of those than be a spineless puddle of mush. Can you picture Obiden leading a charge up San Juan Hill? Harris? Obama?

Some say not to vote for him because he calls people names. Fooey! The Democrat model of a perfect Republican is somebody that sits quietly, takes all the name-calling and lies they pour out but doesn’t counter-attack. That model stupidly figures passivity will cause the name-callers to like him. Bull! Call Trump a name and be prepared to receive a worse one flung back in your face. Hurrah!

Lately, a few are telling me I should fear Donald Trump. Fooey! Should I fear another four years, in which, despite all the lies and sabotage the Democrats could muster, the country ran smoothly and without nagging crises? If that’s fearful, I’l take many more years like those, thanks.

Here are some things I fear.

*My country’s vanishing in a wave of sleazy, often criminal invaders, strolling across our borders as if they have a right here.

* An uninterrupted influx of illegal, dangerous drugs enjoying the same lack of intervention.

* Multi-billions of dollars squandered to buy college vacations for unemployable deadbeats and now their votes.

*Crippling inflation, fueled by stunts such as that just above.

*Elections so carelessly monitored that a Martian can walk in and vote.

* A public education system where garbage is routinely perpetrated upon children.

*A relentless whittling away at our Constitution, especially its Bill of Rights.

*A ballooning, federal “work”force, the only segment of the economy where employment is increasing.

*Flinging the nation pell-mell into technological paths based on guesses and lacking careful analyses.

*Having the country guided by a puppet lacking the brains to utter coherent sentences unless they are flashed up by cue cards.

*Another side show of a cabinet.

*Men encouraged to masquerade as women and infiltrate athletic disciplines reserved for the latter.

*The entire, sickening, country-ruining DEI farce.

*Cities in which law enforcement and incarcerating felons have become unfashionable.

I don’t much care what Donald Trump says and certainly not how the alphabet networks transmogrify it. My bottom line is his commendable record as president – vs. a person that has NO record in anything aside from failure– and the facts that he loves his country and is not preoccupied with destroying it.

Larry Stanfel



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