Stock Growers Dinner in Winnett Has Good Turn-out

The annual Winnett Stock Growers Dinner was another success. The Stock Growers Association is has a long history starting with Granville Stuart, and including President Theodore Roosevelt. The Association was organized to prevent cattle rustling, and over grazing on the range.

Over time, the group has grown and the group organizes an annual dinner for the members. The Petroleum County Stockgrowers

Speaker from Fish Wildlife & Parks tells about Cause Predation

dinner was November 1st, at the new community center in Winnett. The childrens 4-H Shamrock club served dessert and coffee after a fine meal put on by the local church. The dinner had entertainment with Wally Badgett, a band, and give-a-ways for the attendees. A representative from Fish Wildlife & Parks was there to speak about livestock predation. Members are encouraged to attend the upcoming annual Stockgrowers convention.


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