In the Classroom
It has been a busy and fruitful first semester for the Family and Consumer Science classes. The junior high classes began the school year learning about relationships and family, then moved on to kitchen safety including knife skills! They are currently learning about different regions of the world and preparing foods from those regions such as Sharlotka (Russian Apple Cake). The Personal and Career Readiness class (9th &
10th) have worked on resumes, cover letters & workplace soft skills. The Food Preparation and Health Management Class (11th & 12th) are exploring topics in sports nutrition. Many of the students in the FCS classes are also busy athletes and are learning how to fuel their bodies to keep them running strong!
We did take time to celebrate Thanksgiving together. The students in each class prepared side dishes such as honey roasted sweet potatoes, cranberry tarts, garlic roasted brussels sprouts, and bacon and fontina stuffed mushrooms. The kids gathered around the table and expressed thanks for family, friends, coaches, and pets and ate a delicious meal served family style.
We are looking forward to finishing up our cooking projects and moving on to basic sewing and clothing construction projects in the second semester. Happy New Year!
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